Hello Ontario Dojo Members, Thank you for your continued support of our Junior Kenshi in your dojos, and across the province. In the past few years, we have been seeing increased participation in tournaments and greater retention among our youth groups. The...
Let’s help celebrate the start of 2019 with the annual Kendo Ontario New Year’s Godo Keiko. It will be held on Saturday, January 19th and will be hosted by the Nikka Gakuen Kendo Dojo. This is a wonderful opportunity to start the year by sharing keiko with...
Jungko Kendo Club is pleased to host a tour of members of the Korean National Team (‘Team Korea’ from the 17th World Kendo Championships) to Canada. Byung Hoon Park Sensei, 5th Dan, 34 yrs old of Young-In City and Hyung June Yoo Sensei, 4th Dan, 27 yrs old of Incheon...
The seminar event this coming Saturday, October 13th has been rescheduled to start at noon. We apologize for the late notice. Here are the details again: Event: Shiai-waza Seminar, led by Lee-sensei, followed by Godo Keiko. This event is for bogu members of all ages....
Kendo players of all ages are invited to participate in a kendo seminar focusing on techniques and drills with an emphasis on improving tournament fighting skills. This seminar will be led by Jin Whan Lee-sensei and will take place at the University of Toronto’s...