Junior Kendo Development


Hello Ontario Kendo Community,

Kendo Ontario is pleased to announce the launch of a Kendo Ontario Development Program for Juniors. The purpose of the program is to bring together and develop the next generation of Kendo players in Ontario and share successful ideas with dojos in Ontario. The dedicated practices enable juniors to practice with other juniors from other clubs and build their own community. Please note, these practices are NOT meant to replace regular practices at your own dojo.

Please see below for details.

Open to All:

Juniors under the age of 18 yrs old and have practiced Kendo for more than 1 year.

OPEN to NON-BOGU juniors!

Juniors over 18 yrs old may be invited to participate as mentors to the other juniors.

Date & Time:

Friday evenings from 7:00 ~ 9:00 p.m. (bi-weekly)

Start Date:

Friday, September 9, 2022 (followed by Sept 23, Oct 7, 21, etc.)


7 ~ 8 p.m.: Practice without bogu

8 ~ 9 p.m.: Practice with bogu

Special events will be held periodically (prize winning events, potential field trip / practice to a dojo outside of the GTA, pizza party, etc.)


Battle Arena
7261 Victoria Park Ave, Markham, ON L3R 2M7
Click Here for a Map


While we hope participants are able to attend all or most practices, we appreciate everyone’s schedule and it is NOT mandatory that each participant must attend all practices to participate in the program.


$10 / session (Cash or e-transfer) – to cover rental cost of facility


Bill Kim Sensei, Koichi Miyamoto Sensei, Ryo Yasumura Sensei, and other senseis

Important Messages to all Dojos, Participants (and Parents):

We respect the practices and activities of all dojos. The Kendo Ontario Junior Program practices are not intended to replace regular practices at your own dojo. To participate in the program, participants must continue practicing at their own dojo regularly and receive approval from their Dojo’s Head Instructor.

Students will learn from a variety of different teaching techniques and we will endeavor to communicate and share with Dojos and the broader Kendo community. We ask for your support and patience as we launch this program. If anyone has any suggestions, questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact: Bill Kim Sensei | Kimhj113@gmail.com

Covid-19 Protocols will be followed

During Non-Bogu practice participants will be required to wear face masks and during Bogu practice (with Men) participants will be required to wear either face masks or face shields.

Equipment to bring:

  • Water Bottle (with straw preferable)
  • Zoukin (Small towel for dojo floor cleaning)
  • Hakama & Dogi (Uniform)
  • Bogu (Equipment) – Only for bogu participants
  • Shinai (students should have at least 2 shinai in good condition for each practice)
  • Kendo Notebook/Journal + Pen/Pencil

Please note the Battle Arena facility does NOT have change rooms. There are public washrooms available to change, but students are recommended to come pre-changed in their uniform.

Thank you for the ongoing support.